Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bette Davis Eyes

"Hollywood always wanted me to be pretty, but I fought for realism."
Bette Davis 

Bette Davis was always beautiful in my eyes, she wasn't ordinary, she wasn't plain, she was something else, Something id never scene before.
A couple years ago i was at my parents house for our weekly Thursday dinner and after dinner we went into the living room and turned on TMC,  the movie was Now,Voyager staring Ms.Davis, in this movie Davis playing a woman by the name of Charlotte Vail who has a nervous breakdown caused by her mother, Charlotte let her mother make all her decision for her, Decided what she wore, where she went, how she acted, when all Charlotte wanted was to be free and to be her own woman well ladies and gentlemen she definitely does just that, In this film Bette's character Charlotte is the ugly duckling of the family which spoke to me the most because all my life i had felt like the ugly duckling in my family the loser if you will,  i never felt good enough, pretty enough, smart enough all thanks to my mother who controlled  me in almost every way, like Charlotte i became free of that, but i still long to find my Jerry Durrance.
This post is a thank you to Ms. Bette Davis for helping me find that i am beautiful, and just recently have i found my sense of courage and strength.
Happy Oscar Day Everyone! Go Collin Firth!

Oh and before i forget to my step mom April, my sister Rosie And My Dad you three make me stronger and happier everyday, Thank You And I Love You.

Kirby Smith
I survived because I was tougher than anybody else.
Bette Davis 


1 comment:

  1. What a brilliant essay. I was touched. That's the cool thing about finding your inner swan. From one former ugly duckling turned swan who knows, an early turn with swandom ain't all it's cracked up to be. I draw your attention to Janis Ian's "At 17" who said it best. Beauty fades, and I'm old enough to know. The inner swan lasts forever. Besides, purely on the outer package which isn't really what you are talking about here, like your beloved Bette you have something better than conventional beauty, you have chic and that not only can't be taught, it has a longer shelf life.

    So glad you love my Bette as much as I do. Films, like literature, have much to teach us about how to live our lives which is why those forms are so enduring.

    And I love you too.

